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Patient Information: Instructions for your virtual appointmentThe Chen Center uses the secure videoconferencing service, to host it’s HIPAA compliant Virtual Visits. The service is completely free for you, and doesn’t require a download or the creation of an account. can be reached via a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Safari recommended) on a desktop computer, tablet computer, or an android or ios phone At the date and time of your appointment, simply point your browser to the website address below: Click here for an instructional video from for a video on how to logon – For further information about – see
Patient Information: Post Medical Acupuncture treatment instructionsOver the years, Dr. Chen has codified the most effective post-treatment regimen for his treatments. As soon as you can after the treatment, in the comfort of your own (parked) vehicle or home, take a 10-15 minute nap. This brief rest period leads to a “resetting” of the body’s energy, enabling your body to incorporate the information and changes that have been transmitted to your body and mind. For those individuals who “don’t nap” or cannot fall asleep, it is perfectly acceptable to assume a lying down or reclining position, eyes closed, for 10-15 minutes. There should be no use of personal handheld electronics, books, television, or other forms of stimulation. Music (if used at all) should be kept soft. After this brief post-treatment regimen is completed, you are free to return to your normal daily activities, although especially vigorous or draining activities are discouraged. If you cannot rest directly after treatment, please at least try to go to bed early on the night of the treatment.
My credit card statement says my monthly membership fee of was higher than expected. What is this extra fee?A good question! We now impose a surcharge on credit card transactions that is equal to our cost of credit card acceptance. We are working on finding ways to reduce this cost to you, including looking into Direct Debit bank options. Please let us know next time you come into The Chen Center if you would like to switch to this option. Cash and Check payments still remain fee free.
How much is the fee on my credit card payment?The total breakdown of the credit card processor fee is 2.9%+0.30 when paying online through your member booking services pages. If you are paying with credit card in person, it uses a different processor with a breakdown of 3.3%+0.30 Thus, you may notice a slight difference in the cost of our services depending on when you pay online or in person. We are trying to come up with solutions to lower the fees for you and will update this page in the future.
What can Acupuncture treat?Acupuncture can help alleviate pain or help treat various illnesses, injuries and chronic conditions such as respiratory ailments, digestive conditions, neurological conditions, muscular conditions and post chemotherapy conditions.
Does Acupuncture hurt?People experience Acupuncture differently. Acupuncture needles are very thin and are made from stainless steel. The risk of bruising and skin irritation is less than when using a hollow needle, such as those for drawing blood. Most patients feel only minimal discomfort as the needles are inserted; some feel no discomfort at all.
How many Acupuncture treatments will I need?The number of acupuncture treatments varies by person. For complex or chronic conditions, one or two treatments per week for several months may be recommended. For acute problems, fewer visits may be required. For health maintenance, four sessions a year may be all that is necessary.
Are there any side effects to the treatment?As energy is redirected in the body, internal chemicals and hormones are stimulated and healing begins to take place. It is common with the first one or two treatments to have a sensation of deep relaxation or even mild disorientation immediately following the treatment. These subside within a short time and do not require anything more than a bit of rest to overcome.Occasionally, the original symptoms worsen for a few days, or other general changes in appetite, sleep bowel or urination patterns, or emotional state may be triggered. These should not cause concern as they are simply indications that the acupuncture is starting to work.
What is Group Acupuncture?Treatments are performed in comfortable chairs with several people in the same room. Group treatments are a great way to maintain health while keeping the costs down. Group sessions are best for those with musculoskeletal injuries, but all conditions may be treated. Acupuncture is only performed along the lower arms and legs, head, ears, feet and shoulders. Patients can expect to sit for 30-45 minutes during the treatment and are welcome to bring headphones to listen to music. Wearing loose fitting clothing so the doctor can easily access acupuncture points is recommended. Private treatments are available for those with complex problems, conditions with emotional aspects of conditions of a private nature.
What amenities are provided as a part of the annual membership fee?An annual in depth wellness physical examination and evaluation, 24/7 cell phone access to your physician, secure e-mail access, limited practice size, longer 30-60 minute appointment times, private member reception, upscale office design and furnishings. Membership Plan participants receive up to a total of 24 private integrative consultation and/or acupuncture appointments per year. Membership Plan Plus participants receive up to a total of 60 private integrative consultation or acupuncture appointments per year.
Do I still need insurance if I am a member of The Chen Center?Yes. Concierge medical practices do not take the place of general health insurance coverage. Our practice is an integrative medicine practice, not a health insurance program. You are advised to continue your PPO, Medicare or other insurance program.
Will my insurance be billed for my office visits?No. The Chen Center does not bill insurance for any of our services.
Will I be required to pay my annual concierge fee even if I do not use your services?Yes. Paying your annual concierge fee allows you to be a member of the practice whether you are sick or well. However you are required to make at least one (1) office visit per year. We strongly encourage you to utilize our integrative wellness consultations and secure email for appropriate non-urgent health related questions, regardless of your state of health.
Is there a co-payment?No. There is no additional fee for Membership Plan participants unless you require more than 24 office visits per year. There is no additional fee for Membership Plan Plus participants unless you require more than 60 office visits per year. There will be a $130 fee for each subsequent visit. Additional services such as vaccinations and injections are provided at an "at cost" basis.
Are you a Participating Provider for Medicare?No. We have opted out of Medicare. However, Medicare will continue to pay for services (i.e. lab work, x-rays, etc) that are ordered by us but provided by a different facility.
Do you bill Medicare or other insurance plans for the annual concierge fee?No.
Will my private insurance reimburse my annual concierge fee?Some Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Medical Savings Account (MSA) and Health Savings Account (HSA) plans may pay for all or part of the annual fee. Patients are advised to consult their accountant or their human resources representative at their place of employment.
Does my annual fee cover lab, x-ray, specialists’ fees and hospitalization?"No, your annual fee pays for program amenities such as your annual wellness exam, acupuncture and for the other services listed in the Patient Agreement. However, all other procedures and services not performed at The Chen Center, such as labs, Xrays and hospitalization, will be billed by the performing entity and should be covered by your insurance plan.
What do I do if I become ill while traveling or away on an extended vacation?You would first call local emergency services (911) if you have a life-threatening emergency, then call us. However, you may call us first if the problem is minor. With the exception of a few controlled substances, most prescriptions can be ordered anywhere in the country. If you seek care at an emergency room or urgent care center out of our area, we will be readily available for phone consultation with you and/or other health care personnel. If you should require hospitalization while away, at your request, we will establish phone communication with you and your attending physician(s) to ensure continuity of care.
What if I need to see a specialist or a surgeon?Members of The Chen Center are free to see any specialist they wish. We are available to help you decide which specialists to see and to help coordinate such consultations if needed.
What about the cost of prescription medications?The costs of prescription medications are the patients’ responsibility and in most cases should be covered by their insurance plans.
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